Frequently Asked Questions

We’d like to thank the firms and organizations that attended our Q&A session on September 3rd, 2020. We appreciate the degree of seriousness that our local community and industry is taking to assure a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for all individuals. We are posting the questions that were asked both at the session and through emails. If you have any further questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to email us. Thank you and we look forward to working together with you on this pivotal initiative.

General Questions

1. Do you need to sponsor in order to sign the pledge?

No. While NOMA NW does rely on annual contributions, sponsorship/donations are not a requirement nor prerequisite for engaging in the Call-to-Action.

2. When does the pledge start and end?

It starts when your firm/organization signs the pledge and ends in December 2022. We will not be tracking progress until mid-2021 but we encourage firms/organizations to check in with NOMA NW throughout the duration of the pledge.

3. We are in a pandemic. What happens if our firm is unable to uphold the commitments?

NOMA NW understands that we are in unprecedented times - firms may be facing challenges with the economic uncertainties of the pandemic. If your firm is unable to meet the goals of the pledge, please contact us at

4. What is NOMA NW doing to sustain JEDI practices?

The NOMA NW CTA should serve as a starting point. By the end of the pledge, our goal is that firms/organizations will have integrated EDI policies and systems into their practices and will continue in their initiatives to create more equitable environments within the industry. This can be accomplished with buy-in from members at all levels within your firm/organization. Firms/organizations can use the ‘Ongoing Commitments’ as a reference for foundational work beyond the pledge.

5. Where do firms/organizations start with the CTA?

We recommend that firms start by conducting an internal audit, administered by a 3rd party diversity and/or EDI consultant specializing in this type of work. We perpetuate inhumanity in the workplace when we explicitly or implicitly rely on BIPOC individuals to carry the burdens of educating others or fighting racism. (See Prerequisite #1)

6. My firm has already accomplished some of these goals. Does that count towards the pledge?

Yes, they do. Please provide NOMA NW with information and metrics on the commitments that have already been attained. The CTA serves as a starting point and should be expanded on. We encourage firms/organizations to take the CTA items further as we all benefit from a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive profession.


7. Can firms post the CTA on their websites?

Yes. Our goal is to make our industry more equitable, diverse, and inclusive. Please help NOMA NW spread the word. We ask that all publishings of the Call-to-Action (via social media, email, company website, internet, etc.) cite and credit NOMA NW, and provide a direct link to our website ( Thank you.

8. What are the plans to promote this to the AEC community?

We have started engaging firms/organizations to promote in-depth and action-based partnerships. We encourage and appreciate firms/organizations to promote and amplify the NOMA NW Call-to-Action.

9. My firm has offices in multiple cities that also have NOMA chapters that have implemented pledges/challenges. Which one do I sign on to?

We recommend signing on to all of them. Each chapter that has created a pledge/challenge, has thoughtfully crafted a list unique to local demographics and needs. Thus, firms with multiple locations will have different challenges to fulfill based on location.

10. My firm is located outside Washington but we would like to participate in the pledge. Is this possible?

Please contact your local NOMA chapter to see if they are implementing their own pledge. If they are not, please get in touch and we can discuss further.

11. Does NOMA NW have the resources to sustain the CTA and it’s initiatives?

NOMW NW is an AEC community of BIPOC professionals and allies - made up of dedicated volunteers actively seeking sponsors, resources, and allies to help sustain the organization and ongoing initiatives. NOMA NW is not a service provider. We urge firms who have signed the CTA to invest deliberate energy into achieving pledge commitments. AEC firms can reach out to NOMA NW and we will act as a conduit in sharing/exchanging feedback and ideas/resources among firms.


1. What kind of support is NOMA NW providing to help firms reach their CTA pledge goals?

NOMA NW, in collaboration with AIA Seattle, plans to host roundtable forums for idea sharing, lessons learned, and brainstorming. We are currently exploring ways to engage with EDI professionals to provide general EDI training.

2. What can firms do to support beyond the CTA and sponsorship?

Get involved! Be an active and consistent co-conspirator with NOMA NW by participating and supporting our local programs, ongoing projects, and initiatives. 

For more information, check out and AIA’s initiatives

3. Can NOMA NW create a platform for firms to share resources and ideas?

Yes. We are in the process of developing real-time strategies as more firms commit to the pledge. We want all firms to succeed. We aim to create a forum where firms can share their challenges, experiences, and approaches in the future. Please stay tuned!

4. How can small firms reach these goals?

We have updated our pledge so all firms of all sizes can participate. 

We are mindful that each firm has its own unique challenges. Please reach out to NOMA NW if your firm/organization would like to participate in the pledge but feel that the goals are unachievable, and we will work with you to take your needs into consideration.

Membership & Involvement

1. How do I become a member of NOMA NW? What are the opportunities for recent graduates and young designers?

We always welcome new members. Please register through NOMA National’s website to become a NOMA member and then sign up for our mailing list and we will keep you informed on our upcoming events and initiatives. NOMA NW will be starting our regular program and initiatives in January 2021. We plan on resuming our social hours and committee meetings at the end of October.

2. I am not affiliated with a firm or organization and/or I cannot afford to become a NOMA NW member at this time. What else can I do to help?

We understand that everyone’s circumstances are unique. If you are unable to become a Chapter member at this time, we welcome you to become a volunteer. Help us sustain our organization and ongoing initiatives though any of our committees. For more information, contact us at